Software, Instruments, and Manuals

BAC/SEC Calculation Software
Online BAC and Standard Drink CalculatorCASAA's downloadable BAC and Standard Drink Calculator with Customizable Liquor Databas
- Standalone Application coming soon!
- BACCUS Manual
- Printable BAC Estimation Table
Assessment Instruments
The CASAA assessment library is intended to be a resource for substance abuse researchers and clinicians. All of the instruments in this library are "freeware"; you may use them without our permission and they are not copyrighted. Many, but not all, of the assessments have been developed with the support of the National Institutes of Health by CASAA investigators and have been successfully administered in a wide range of clinical trial settings across diverse populations.
The assessment tools in this library are designed for professional use only. The assessment tools in this library are not intended to be used as self-assessment measures to determine if you have a substance abuse problem or diagnosis.Access the Library.

Coding Instruments
- MISC- The Motivational Interviewing Skills Code (MISC) 2.1 system is a process coding instrument developed as a method for evaluating the quality of motivational interviewing. It can also be used to measure training effects, expert-level motivational interviewing, and client language. Click here for additional downloads and more information .
- CACTI - the CASAA Application for Coding Treatment Interactions is a free, open-source application for performing behavior coding with digital audio recordings (.wav files). By default the program is configured for the MISC 2.5 but can be modified easily to use other coding systems. This download includes both the software and the manual. An open-access paper describing CACTI is available from here and source code can be obtained from here.
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Motivation Interviewing and Therapist Manuals
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy Manual
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy with Drug Abusers Manual
- Native American Motivational Interviewing: Weaving Native American and Western Practices
- Motivational Interviewing for Risky Social Drinking Manual
- Evaluating Language in Clinical Interviewing Training (ELICIT)
- Moyers, T.B., Houck, J.M., Glynn, L.H., Hallgren, K.A., & Manuel.J.K. A randomized controlled trial to influence client language in substance use disorder treatment. Manuscript submitted for publication
- Motivational Interviewing Knowledge Test
- Motivational Interviewing Knowledge Test - Key
- MI as usual (MI-AU) Training Slides
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