NIAAA Funded Research



The training program, initiated in 2010, has trained 26 pre- and postdoctoral trainees for careers in alcohol research. Support is provided for 4 pre-doctoral trainees, drawn from the Department of Psychology, and 3 post-doctoral trainees from disciplines relevant to the goals of the training program, such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry, social work, population health, and economics. The training program prepares future scientists to develop and test effective models for impacting change in alcohol use through improved approaches to treatment and indicated prevention, to conduct research on processes of change in drinking behavior, and to develop and test models to disseminate knowledge of effective interventions and change processes to diverse populations.  (Learn more)

High priority has been assigned to the investigation of what actually occurs in AA, with a special focus on identifying prescribed AA behaviors and processes that are predictive of drinking reduction. This study will generate, for the first time, a comprehensive and definitive process model of AA-related behavior change. This objective will be realized through the highly innovative use of EMA data collection among early AA affiliates. Aim 1 will determine if four MOBC identified by AA researchers mediate the linkage between three types of AA prescribed behaviors and drinking outcome. Noteworthy, these analyses will include the first rigorous testing of six of seven of Kazdin's (2007) criteria to confirm (or reject) that these four statistical mediators are MOBC. Aim 2 will investigate whether the actions of the AA active ingredients on mediators (a path) and the actions of the mediators (b path) are constant over time or, alternatively, if there are critical periods of influence. Last, aim 3 will determine if the four MOBC operate differently across distinct subpopulations.  (Learn more)

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a significant public health problem, yet treatments demonstrate only modest efficacy, likely due to the the profound phenotypic heterogeneity of AUD. In order to improve the efficacy of AUD treatments, it is imperative to better characterize this heterogeneity which may, in turn, elucidate clearer treatment targets for precision medicine approaches. This likely requires shifting conceptualizations of AUD away from clinical description and towards etiologic mechanisms, an approach embodied by the goals of some modern conceputalizations of AUD, such as the Addiction Research Domain Criteria (AARDoC) and Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment (ANA). However, current research suggests that AARDoC and ANA suffer from important shortcomings, including limited clinical efficiency, and may therefore benefit from further development, refinement, and validation. To address these shortcomings, the proposed project aims to (a) empirically test the models articulated by modern conceptual AUD etiological frameworks, including the ANA, and (b) derive a mechanism-based computerized adaptive test (CAT) assessment of AUD developed using principles of objective test construction and community-based participatory research strategies. First, a candidate set of self-report items indexing 13 etiologic domains articulated by the Etiologic, Theory-Based, Ontogenetic Hierarchical (ETOH) framework of AUD mechanisms, which serves as a recent extension of AARDoC/ANA, will be derived from the literature and two rounds of cognitive interviews will be used to refine the item set among a diverse group of participants (N = 50) with hazardous or harmful alcohol use. Next, items will be administered to a combined community and clinical sample (N = 1,200) to empirically test the structure of items and determine the best-fitting model.

Item response theory will then be used to calibrate the items for the purpose of building a CAT for each of the domains identified (e.g., reward, cognitive control, negative emotionality). Using the refined and calibrated item set and domain-specific CATs, data will be collected from an additional independent sample of heavy drinkers (N = 100). Ecological momentary assessment over 14 days and a follow-up assessment will also be conducted with the goal of evaluating the psychometric properties of the CATs in ecologically valid contexts and over time. Specifically, to determine if the domain-specific CATs demonstrate validity (e.g., convergent, discriminant, predictive) and reliability (e.g., test-retest) across diverse patient populations and sex/gender groups. All research aims will be conducted alongside and in consultation with individuals with lived experience of AUD to ensure the measure is acceptable, feasible, and adequately contextualized. This project is consistent with NIAAA's Strategic Plan, specifically Goal 1 (Identify mechanisms of alcohol-related pathology) and Goal 2 (Improve diagnosis and tracking of AUD). The resulting measure also has the potential to support progress towards Goal 4 (Develop and improve treatments for AUD) by facilitating the assessment of mechanisms that may serve as viable targets in AUD treatments, including behavioral and pharmacological interventions.  (Learn more)

To address the public health burden of alcohol use disorder (AUD), there is a tremendous need for continuing care options to support long-term recovery from AUD that (1) support whole-person recovery, defined as focusing on both functioning and reductions in drinking or abstinence, (2) are effective in targeting the neuroadaptations observed among those with addiction, and (3) are accessible in all communities nationwide, including medically underserved and health professional shortage areas. This project will evaluate the effectiveness and mechanisms of mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) delivered via video conferencing, as compared to referral to online mutual support groups, in supporting long-term whole-person recovery and improvements in neurobiologically-informed domains of addiction among individuals with AUD who have recently made a change attempt to reduce or stop drinking. The project will also examine the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of MBRP as an accessible and freely available continuing care option that supports long-term recovery from AUD in all communities nationwide, including medically underserved and health professional shortage areas. (Learn more)

Although modestly effective treatments exist for alcohol use disorders (AUD), many individuals relapse to heavy alcohol use after completing treatment, suggesting the need for a better understanding of factors that contribute to successful outcomes. Whereas much of the focus in past studies has been on identifying what treatments work for AUDs, only recently has there been a focus on why particular treatments work, and the mechanisms by which treatment leads to changes in drinking. This focus on mechanisms of behavior change (MOBCs) has the potential to not only allow for an accumulation of knowledge about the process by which treatment leads to better outcomes, but also may lead to the development of new treatments or modifications of existing treatment approaches that target empirically supported mechanisms known to lead to change. Existing research has focused on potential mechanisms including alcohol cue reactivity, affect regulation, and behavioral control, but these constructs have largely been tested using self-report measures, and there is a noticeable paucity of studies that examine these mechanisms from a neurocognitive perspective. To address this gap in knowledge, the proposed study will examine MOBC at multiple levels including self-report, behavioral performance, and neural network engagement, with a focus on the function of the lateral and medial frontal control networks, striatal based reward networks, and amygdala networks underlying emotional reactivity.

One hundred eighty treatment-seeking individuals with an AUD will be randomized to receive either 8 weeks of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) or Mindfulness Based Treatment (MBT) after receiving 4 weeks of a platform treatment that focuses on enhancing motivation to change. To establish the temporal relationship between changes in drinking and changes in these MOBCs, patients will be assessed at: (a) baseline; (b) four weeks into treatment; (c) immediately post-treatment; and (d) 9- and 15-months post-baseline. Self-report measures and behavioral tasks will be administered at monthly intervals during treatment; and fMRI will be collected at baseline, and at 3, and 9-months post baseline. Relationships between changes in drinking and changes in the proposed MOBCs will be examined using advanced mixed modeling techniques that have been pioneered by the research team. Further, the project will leverage data collected in a separate project examining MOBC in a non-treatment seeking sample using the same measures collected at similar timepoints. By identifying MOBCs of CBT or MBT that differentially contribute to changes in drinking, the proposed project will not only derive a deeper understanding of successful behavior change, but also may inform the development of novel treatments for AUD. In addition, by identifying neurocognitive factors predictive of successful change, it may be possible to utilize this knowledge to match specific treatments with particular patient neurocognitive profiles.

The alcohol and addiction research domain criteria (AARDoC) has been proposed to provide a framework for understanding the nature of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in terms of psychological and biological constructs that can be traced to a specific behavioral function with an underlying biological basis (e.g., neural dysfunction). The AARDoC proposes that AUD develops, progresses, and is maintained because of heightened incentive salience for alcohol, greater negative emotionality, and/or impairments in executive functioning and impulsivity. This study will build an empirical knowledge base regarding clinical assessments that could be used to identify the AARDoC constructs and will examine whether the AARDoC constructs are associated with a novel typology of alcohol recovery, defined by consumption and functioning, among individuals who receive alcohol treatment. To achieve the study aims, integrative data analysis of AARDoC constructs among more than 3600 individuals (n = 3,672) who participated in three publicly funded alcohol treatment studies will be examined. (Learn more)
This early career development grant includes training in alcohol use disorder recovery research, advanced quantitative methods, and professional development by a strong mentoring team to help the principal investigator transition to an independent investigator in the alcohol field. The proposed research examines recovery from alcohol use disorder as defined by NIAAA from the perspectives of self-determination theory and behavioral economics by leveraging two periods of voluntary temporary abstinence. Training and research activities are carefully sequenced to maximize knowledge gains. (Learn more)