Alena Kuhlemeier, Ph.D
BA, Sociology, Pomona College
MA, Sociology, University of New Mexico
PhD, Sociology, University of New Mexico
Primary Research Area
Alena Kuhlemeier is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, and Addictions at the University of New Mexico. Her research agenda is broadly centered on understanding the social determinants of behavioral health disparities experienced by sexual and gender minority (SGM) youth. Her dissertation work used a socio-ecological framework and mixed method approach to examine how intersectional differences and institutional forces shape SGM youth substance use and mental health. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Kuhlemeier will continue to investigate the particular risk factors of substance use that affect SGM populations as well as working to develop precision medicine research methods to examine heterogeneity in treatment effects of clinical and behavioral interventions.
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- Kuhlemeier, Alena. 2022. "Measurement Invariance of Psychological Distress, Substance Use, and Adult Social Support across Race/Ethnicity and Sex among Sexual Minority Youth." Journal of Sex Research.
- Kuhlemeier, Alena, Thomas Jaki, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Alberta S. Kong, Chi Chang, M. Lee Van Horn. 2022. "Individual Differences in the Effects of the ACTION PAC Intervention in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity." Journal for Behavioral Medicine.
- Huyser, Kimberly, Aggie Yellow Horse, Alena Kuhlemeier, and Michelle Huyser. 2021. "COVID-19 Pandemic Unveils Persistent Indigenous Erasure in Public Health Data." American Journal of Public Health 111(S3): S208-S214.
- Chang, Chi, Thomas Jaki, Muhammad Saad Sadiq, Alena Kuhlemeier, Daniel Feaster, Natalie Cole, Andrea Lamont, Daniel Oberski, The Pooled Resource Open-Access ALS Clinical Trials Consortium, M. Lee Van Horn. 2021. "A Permutation Test for Assessing the Presence of Individual Differences in Treatment Effects." Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
- Kuhlemeier, Alena, Jessica Goodkind, and Cathleen Willging. 2021. "Production and Maintenance of the Institutional In/visibility of Sexual and Gender Minority Students in Schools." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91(4): 558-568.
- Kuhlemeier, Alena, Yasin Desai, Alexandra Agenbroad, Katie Witkiewitz, Thomas Jaki, Yu-Yu Hsaio, Chi Chang, and M. Lee Van Horn. 2021. "Applying Methods for Personalized Medicine to the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 89(4), 288-300.
- Kuhlemeier, Alena. 2021. "Effects of Friendship among Same-Sex Attracted Youth on Sexual Minority Identity Development in Adulthood." Journal of Homosexuality.