Laura A. Brown, MD, MPH
(505) 925-2300
Research Interests
- Substance use and health care access among people experiencing homelessness
- Harm reduction
- Medications for opioid use disorder
- Program development and evaluation
Dr. Laura Brown is a Board-certified addiction medicine and family medicine physician with both US and international public health experience since 1985: primary clinical care; opioid, alcohol, methamphetamine, and other substance use disorder medication management; harm reduction; medical cannabis; family planning; school health; STI; and non-STI infectious disease expertise; medications for opioid use disorder treatment (MAT/OST/OAT with buprenorphine or methadone) program development, implementation, clinical management, and evaluation; excellent clinical, teaching, writing, editing, research and oral communication skills.
Download Dr. Brown's full vita.
- Osilla KC, Hurley B, Jacobsohn V, … Brown L, Christensen J, Watkins KE, and Komaromy M. CLARO Intervention User Manual: A Guide for Care Teams and Individual Practitioners. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2023.
- The Santa Fe Plan: A Municipal Public Health and Safety Approach to Alcohol and Other Drugs. Report issued February 2020.
- SM 105: Medical Cannabis Affordability and Accessibility Recommendations. Report issued October 2018.
- Brown, L. Unintentional Prescription Drug Overdose Deaths in New Mexico. Published proceedings of the New Mexico State Epidemiology Work Group, September 2004.
- Weng S and Brown LA. Preconception, Intention of Pregnancy, and Emergency Contraception. New Mexico Epidemiology Report 2002 (8) Nov. 15, 2002: 1-4.
- Brown LA for NM ECP Working Group. Emergency Contraception: The Nation’s Best- Kept Secret for Unintended Pregnancy Prevention (It’s not RU 486!). August 2002.
- Angle MA, Brown LA, Buekens P. IUD Protocols for International Training. Studies in Family Planning 24 (2); March/April 1993: 125-131