Joshua Grubbs, Ph.D
(505) 277-4121
Research Interests
- Behavioral Addiction
- Gambling
- Compulsive Sexual Behavior
- Veteran's Health
- Internet Based Sexual Behavior
Joshua Grubbs, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the University of New Mexico and an investigator at the Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions, where he studies compulsive sexual behavior disorder, gambling disorder, and personality traits. He is especially interested in the social construction of addiction and understanding what leads people feel out of control in their behavior. More simply, he studies how people come to think of themselves as having a behavioral addiction and why people might arrive at the conclusion that they have a behavioral addiction. Additionally, Dr. Grubbs is especially interested in veteran health and the experiences of U.S. Armed Forces veterans dealing with compulsive, excessive, or out-of-control behaviors.
Download Dr. Grubbs' full vita.
- Grubbs, J. B., Floyd, C. G., Griffin, K. R., Jennings, T. L., & Kraus, S. W. (2022). Moral incongruence and addiction: A registered report. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 36(7), 749–761.
- Grubbs, J. B., Floyd, C. G., & Kraus, S. W. (2023). Pornography Use and Public Health: Examining the Importance of Online Sexual Behavior in the Health Sciences. American Journal of Public Health, 113(1).
- Grubbs, J. B., Hoagland, K. C., Lee, B. N., Grant, J. T., Davison, P., Reid, R. C., & Kraus, S. W. (2020). Sexual addiction 25 years on: A systematic and methodological review of empirical literature and an agenda for future research. Clinical Psychology Review, 82, 101925.
- Grubbs, J. B., & Kraus, S. W. (2021). Pornography Use and Psychological Science: A Call for Consideration. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30, 096372142097959.
- Grubbs, J. B., & Kraus, S. W. (2022). Symptoms of Problem Gambling Among U.S. Adults Who Wager on Sports. JAMA Network Open.
- Grubbs, J. B., Perry, S. L., Wilt, J. A., & Reid, R. C. (2019). Pornography problems due to moral incongruence: An integrative model with a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(2), 397–415.
- Grubbs, J. B., Wright, P. J., Braden, A. L., Wilt, J. A., & Kraus, S. W. (2019). Internet pornography use and sexual motivation: A systematic review and integration. Annals of the International Communication Association, 43(2), 117–155.