Cassandra Boness, Ph.D
(505) 226-2854
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Boness Addictions Lab
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri
Areas of Expertise
Addiction etiologic and maintenance mechanismsMeasurement and assessment
Mixed methods
Empirically supported treatments
Motivational interviewing
Primary Research Area
I am a clinical psychologist who specializes in addiction science. My mixed-methods research, guided by the primary goal of reducing harm and suffering and improving wellbeing for people with substance use disorders, focuses on the etiology, assessment, and treatment of alcohol use disorder. I am particularly interested in developing and refining assessments of alcohol use disorder mechanisms with the goal of facilitating mechanism-based precision medicine. Clinically, I specialize in motivational interviewing and have a strong background working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. I am passionate about improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in psychological science.
Download Dr. Boness' full vita.
- Development and Multimethod Validation of a Computerized Adaptive Test of Alcohol Use Disorder Etiologic Mechanisms (NIAAA; K08AA030301):
- Refining the Measurement and Assessment of Stigma and Discrimination among People with Chronic Pain who Use Opioids (University of New Mexico Integrative Management of chronic Pain and Opioid use disorder for Whole Recovery [IMPOWR] Center Pilot Research Project)