Enter your gender, your weight, the amount of time in hours that you spent drinking, the number of drinks, ounces per drink, and then select the drink from the drop-down menu.

For example, if you had two cans of beer, you would enter 2 for the number of drinks, 12 for the ounces, and select the type of beer from the drop down menu. If you do not see the exact drink in the drop down menu, you may enter the percentage alcohol manually -- this value will always override the drink selection. Enter the number only, do not include the % sign.
You can enter up to 5 different kinds of drinks.

Standard drink sizes: Pint: 16 oz - Can/Bottle of Beer: 12 oz - Wine: 5 oz - Shot: 1.5 oz
Number of
Ounces per
Select Drink (% alcohol)ORManually enter
% alcohol

This is for information only and is just an estimate. Blood alcohol concentration depends on numerous factors including age, health, and even the amount of food in your stomach. DO NOT rely on these results to determine if you may drive.

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